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Why Study at PAHS

PAHS is unlike any medical institute in Nepal, in fact, it’s unlike any other medical institute globally. The difference stems from its mission to improve health care in rural Nepal, and its unique collection of personnel (senior leadership, faculty, international support) and students following through on its goals. PAHS aims to create more than just health care workers (physicians, nurses, midwives, public health workers), it is an institution that is training leaders of rural health care for Nepal.

The PAHS approach is simple:

  • Encourage students to actively learnbythemselvesand from peers
  • Instruct them to logicallydissectclinicalsymptoms to a diagnosis
  • Expose them to rural communities to observe first hand, the health care situation in rural Nepal
  • Promote community engagement to develop health care solutions
  • Provide world-class expertise on the latest advances in modern medicine

Innovative Teaching Styles

Leaders cannot be created in passive classrooms with traditional style didactic lectures. At PAHS, the majority of learning happens in small groups discussing problem based and clinical presentation cases. Problem based learning (PBL) and clinical presentation (CP) are styles widely utilized by most developed country medical institutions. These methods require students to be active learners, be self-directed to research cases and to be a team member when teaching and learning from peers. It’s an enjoyable learning experience!

Expert International faculty

Formal lectures are also used to supplement Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Clinical Presentation (CP) tutorials. We use a combination of local and international faculty. Our international faculties are experts in basic sciences (e.g. professors from the USA, Australia, Israel, UK, Korea etc) and renowned clinical, public health and nursing academics. At PAHS, you’ll learn from the best in the field.

Community Experience

If Nepal is to reduce the health statistics dividing rural and urban Nepal, one has to know the rural community first. Our students spend time with village communities in Makwanpur to understand what daily life is in the village, what village nutrition is like, how villagers respond to health care problems and what social/cultural/economic/infrastructural barriers exist that is preventing them from achieving health statistics akin to urban Nepalese.

Developing related health care solutions for a community requires strong communication skills and basic public health tools. At PAHS, community health sciences forms 25% of the entire MBBS curriculum to empower you with these important skills. Students practice these skills in the field as a group in a community health project. The task is to identify a health need, develop a project, implement the project, and to monitor and evaluate its progress.

International Student Exchanges

PAHS has many international friends helping it to reach its mission and goals. Thus, PAHS has many relationships with international medical institutions from around the world. Students are able to get involved with international student exchanges.

Fee Structure of Foreign Students for MBBS (Click link below)

Fee Structure of MBBS Foreign student